Semina: Ciências Agrárias (May 2004)
Listeria spp. occurrence in equipments and processing plants of meat/ <br> Listeria spp. ocorrência em equipamentos e ambientes de processamento de carne bovina
Exopolysaccharides, biopolymers or hydrosolubles gums, are produced by a great variety of microorganisms and possess physical, structural and chemical properties quite homogeneous, in relation to derived from algae and plants. The production is relatively independent on climatic conditions, faster obtaining of the finished product and need small space. Biopolymers have been studied thoroughly in the last years. Due to wide diversity in structure and physical properties, the microbial polysaccharides possess a lot of applications in food, pharmaceutical, oil, cosmetics, textile, inks and agricultural products among others industries. Some of those applications, include uses as emulsifying, stabilizing, binding, jellifying, clotting, lubricants, film coated, thickening and suspender agents. The parameters that have most influenced the process of exopolysaccharides biosyntheses have been the microorganism, the culture medium composition, pH and temperature of incubation. The exopolysaccharide production can be developed by species of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, some microalgae and many moulds. This work discusses the influence of these parameters during the production process and exopolysaccharides biosyntheses by bacteria.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer a ocorrência de Listeria monocytogenes em diversos pontos de plantas de processamento de carne bovina em 01 abatedouro e 05 casas de carnes localizados na região norte do Paraná. Para a detecção de Listeria spp. em 124 amostras de equipamentos/utensílios e instalações, utilizou-se a metodologia preconizada pelo United States Departament of Agriculture (USDA), com identificação das espécies por testes bioquímicos e posterior confirmação pelo API Listeria (bioMérieux). Os resultados obtidos indicaram freqüências de 6,25% de L. monocytogenes; 68,75% de L. innocua; 18,75% de L. welshimeri; 4,17% de L. seeligeri e 2,08% de L. grayi. As amostras positivas para L. monocytogenes tiveram origem em equipamentos de casa de carnes como caixas plásticas e amaciador.