Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan (Dec 2021)
Hubungan antara Koordinasi Mata Kaki dan Persepsi Kinestetik dengan Keterampilan Servis Permainan Sepak Takraw pada Sekolah Kebakatan Olahraga
This study aims to determine the relationship between eye-foot coordination and service skills in sepak takraw, the relationship between kinesthetic perception and service skills in sepak takraw and the relationship between eye-foot coordination and kinesthetic perception simultaneously with service skills in sepak takraw. The study used a correlational method with a research population of 114 people and a research sample of 30 people, using a purposive sampling technique with the help of an instrument to measure eye-foot coordination (Wall pass sho test), kinesthetic perception (perception distance jump test), and a test to serve as many as 5 times. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between eye-foot coordination and service skills, which is a simple linear regression equation = 33.123 + 0.956 X1 with a coefficient of determination (r2) =48%, a relationship between kinesthetic perception and takraw service skills=-8.472 +0.802 X2 with a coefficient of determination. (r2) =47%, and the simultaneous relationship between eye-foot coordination =-874 + 0.676 X1 + 0.557X2 with a coefficient of determination (r2) =67%. The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between eye-foot coordination and kinesthetic perception of the service skills of the sepak takraw game in sports talent schools.