SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Categorization of key semantic components in conflictogenic polycode texts
The paper is devoted to the calculation of significant semantic components contained in conflictogenic polycode texts (demotivators) dedicated to movements and subcultures of a destructive nature. The identified frequently updated concepts, the semantic component of which is reflected in the selected research material, are divided into the appropriate categories (Natural object, Locus, Mechanism, Process, Ideal phenomenon, Characteristic, Substance, Construction, Agent, Situation, Material, Instrument), which allows determining the degree representativeness of each category. In the course of the analysis, the categories of semantic components characteristic of conflictogenic demotivators dedicated to movements and subcultures of a destructive nature are identified, a number of frequency language units representing semantic components) are indicated. The number of such categories, correlated with frequently updated concepts, the semantic component of which is observed in the analyzed polycode texts verbally and non-verbally, includes: the Agent category (representatives of groups, organizations, their leaders, persons in need of protection, persons who need to be destroyed), Characteristics (signs correlated with subjects, objects, actions presented in demotivators), Ideal phenomenon (images, symbols, signs, nominations of regimes and ideologies, slogans, abstract phenomena) and Process (represented actions), and Object and Locus categories (objects and places of commission actions). The concepts of the Situation (conditions for performing actions) and Substance (natural substances) categories are reflected in the analyzed material, but are present in small quantities. The Mechanism, Construction, Material and Instrument categories are recognized as non-representative. The volume of the semantic components of each category within the total sample size, as well as the percentage of frequency semantic components of the content within each category is calculated in the paper.