Educação (Santa Maria. Online) (Jan 2014)

Mots clés: Développement professionnel des enseignants; Profession - nalité; Récits de vie et formation continue

  • Luís Alcoforado

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 1
pp. 65 – 84


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The debate about the contribution of continuing training practices - for the professional development and for the construction of tea - chers’professionality remains in the centre of the actual debate on education. Throughout this study, starting from a historical analysis and a conceptual clarification of these units of analysis, we seek to bring a look from the training sciences perspective, questioning the construction of a specific proposal for the continuing training of te - achers, enabling a contribution for an ascendant transforming ac - tion, promoting a larger autonomy and responsibility, individual and collective. It is equally debated the possibility of autobiographical stories professionals being able to assume as the one of these trai - ning practices, pointing up some development conditions, namely the interactive, dialogical and emancipatory dimensions, so that it is possible to fulfil that goal.
