Zephyrus (Aug 2010)
The walls of Cogotas and La Mesa de Miranda: Some notes on the Defensive Architecture of the vettones
The study on the defensive systems of the castros (hills forts) vettones and, more specifically, of its walls, has followed the tendency of considering them like a unique fact in its conception as in its construction. From the observation of the cleaning processes, consolidation and restoration of some sectors of the walls of Cogotas and La Mesa de Miranda as well as of the data collected in the excavation of house C of this castro is deduced that the construction processes are developed throughout the whole habitation time of the castros, not like a unique act but like a series of acts connected to the own historical development of the establishments. The rebuilding, adding and repairing of the walls had to be a constant in the everyday life of their inhabitants, even more in those moments in which the presence of numerous and well structured armies generated the serious conflicts that shook to this region from end of century III a. C. until the complete pacification and incorporation to the political/administrative Roman structure. The knowledge of the different historical events and its relation to the constructive processes, of remodeling or repairing of the walls, will allow us to reach a better knowledge of the history of these towns.