Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Mar 2019)
Functional features of compositional speech forms in a literary text structure
The article is devoted to such an essential problem as the study of the fictional language. The majority of researches conducted in this field mainly aim at studying separate means of language expressiveness. This article is an attempt to study literary text building patterns. The core building block the use of the language means centers around in a literary text is viewed as the category of narrative technique. The author considers narrative technique to be a principle for selecting and combining language means and, therefore, a framework for the linguostylistic system of the literary text. Based on the character of the research material, the article deals with the epic narrative technique. The key structures that shape the language form of the narrative technique are described in terms of compositional speech forms. To analyze the target narrative technique the author applies the compositional speech forms of «message» and «description» and their modifications. The choice of the forms is based on the core features of the epic narrative technique, which include a chronological order of events, intermitted by static scenes so that the recipient feels a smooth progress of the narration. Compositional speech analysis of the material showed that compositional speech forms serve as text building instruments. They determine the syntactic structure of the literary text, which results in the use of relevant sentence-types, certain kinds of links, typical syntactic patterns, and their filling.