Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2013)
高中職學校發展特色課程之課綱問題分析 An Analysis of Problems of Curriculum Guidelines in Developing Featured Curriculum in Post-Secondary Schools
臺灣即將於2014年實施十二年國民基本教育,政策重點之一係在鼓勵並協助學校規劃與實施「特色課程」,以促進學生的適性學習與創造學校的亮點及優勢。然而,高中職學校依循課程綱要發展特色課程時,常有彈性不足、難以符合學生需求,或是因升學主義與學科本位影響而無法兼顧特色課程的教育本質與核心理念等限制。本研究即聚焦於此,首先探究高中職學校依據課程綱要發展特色課程時,對於課程綱要適切性的認知,其次分析高中職學校發展特色課程時,對於現行課程綱要中課程及學分數的調整需求,最後則提出高中職課程綱要的研修建議,包括調整高中職課程綱要架構、強化校本課程發展專業能力等,期能對未來高中職發展特色課程時有所助益。 The Taiwan 12-year basic education will be implemented in 2014, one of the important force to enhance the competitiveness of post-secondary schools is developing the featured curriculum. Under the context, this paper explored the problems of developing featured curriculum confined by curriculum guidelines, then analyzed the possibilities of adjusting curriculum guidelines for developing featured curriculum. Finally, the paper provided suggestions for promoting the development of featured curriculum of post-secondary schools, including the flexibility of framework of curriculum guidelines, the establishment of the curriculum supportive system, and the encouragement for sustainable development of professional teams.