Case Reports in Women's Health (Oct 2020)

Pregnancy-unrelated fibroadenoma in ectopic breast tissue in the axilla and vulva: A case report

  • Adrian L. Hernandez Lopez,
  • Shila Manandhar,
  • Lorrie Dubow

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28
p. e00255


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Although ectopic breast tissue is rare in the general population, it is important to consider when investigating an axillary or vulvar mass. Ectopic breast tissue most commonly occurs postpartum but is not exclusive to that period. We report the case of a 29-year-old woman with ectopic breast tissue in multiple sites, including the axilla and vulva. The patient initially presented with a painless right axillary mass; it was excised and diagnosed as a fibroadenoma. She was then diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the vulva four years later. While ectopic breast tissue is most commonly found in the postpartum period it can occur outside of pregnancy. Therefore it should be included in the differential diagnoses for axillary or vulvar masses. Additionally, it is important to monitor women with ectopic breast tissue, particularly in the vulva, for recurrence.
