Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Apr 2007)

Educational practice in transmissive disease prevention: an experience in the family context. A qualitative study

  • Cibele Almeida Torres,
  • Eveline Pinheiro Beserra,
  • Maria Grasiela Teixeira Barroso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1


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With this study we aim to investigate the life quality of families of pregnants and puerperal women associated to the knowledge amongst prevention of transmissive diseases. The present study used as procedure: participant observation and free interviews. It was conducted at the community assisted by the family development center (CEDEFAM). The women interviewed highlighted the need of an educational process involving the prevention of transmissive diseases in the family environment for they presented a restrict knowledge of corporal and sanitary hygiene. Public policy’s actions will only have significant results when they turn to conscience the population about healthy life behaviors.
