Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини (Dec 2020)
«Переигранная рука» или синдромы перенапряжения у музыкантов. Часть ІІ: профилактика и лечение
Overuse injuries are encountered by 50-85% of instrumental musicians and manifest themselves in tendovaginitis, bursitis and tunnel syndromes, leading to long-term temporary loss of ability to work (and in severe cases, to permanent disability). For Ukraine, the problem is of particular relevance for several reasons: first, there have been no studies of the professional diseases of musicians in the country in the last decade; second, there are a very large number of music schools in the country, but none of them teaches future musicians how to prevent occupational diseases; thirdly, there are no specialized medical centres for the treatment of professional pathology of musicians. The aim of the research was to analyze the latest achievements in diagnosing, treating and preventing stress injuries in musicians. The analysis was performed by studies published in 2016-2020 in journals indexed in the Scopus, WoS, Medline and PubMed scientific databases. It has been established that the effective prevention of stress injuries in musicians is possible only through a comprehensive approach involving the reorganization of musical education and medical support for the professional activity of instrumental musicians. For the formation of ergonomic performing techniques, as well as providing future musicians with knowledge and skills to maintain health in the context of their profession, it is necessary to introduce the appropriate discipline into the curriculum, the teaching of which should be conducted with the participation of specialists in physical rehabilitation and physical education. To ensure the effective treatment of professional injuries in musicians, it is necessary to create a specialized republican rehabilitation center, as well as expanding the training program for trauma surgeons and rehabilitologists at the postgraduate stage through thematic refresher courses.