NURE Investigación (Jun 2004)
Attitudes and knowledge of nurses regarding HIV+/AIDS patients
Objective: To know attitudes and knowledge of nursing personnel regarding HIV/AIDS patients in the Hospital General de Huelva. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Sample: Nursing staff of the Hospital General de Huelva (Registered nurses and Nursing auxiliar personnel) randomised selected (N=980, n=88). Selected subjects were asked to answer a validated questionnaire including questions about personal and professional characteristics, attitudes about HIV+/AIDS patients and knowledge about HIV infection. Additionally, 8 interviews were performed to Nursing staff who suffered occupational accidents with HIV contaminated fluids. Another 8 interviews were performed to HIV+/AIDS patients about the nurses attitudes when working with them. Results: Participating subjects were worried about the risk of infection. A low rate of knowledge about HIV infection was observed. Conclusion: A modification of some attitudes of Nursing staff is mandatory as well as an improvement of specific knowledge about HIV infection and measures to avoid the infection in a professional setting. Strategies to improve nurses abilities when working with HIV+/AIDS patients should be provided.