Sports (Jan 2021)
A Comparison of PlayerLoad<sup>TM</sup> and Heart Rate during Backwards and Forwards Locomotion during Intermittent Exercise in Rugby League Players
Limited research has examined the demands of backward locomotion at various speeds using common load monitoring metrics in team sport athletes. Consequently, this study compared the external and internal loads between backward and forward locomotion during intermittent exercise in team sport athletes. Semi-professional, male rugby league players (n = 29) completed the same exercise protocol on two occasions in backward and forward directions. On each occasion, participants performed separate 20 m trials at self-selected walking, jogging, running, and sprinting speeds and then completed a 15 min modified Loughborough intermittent shuttle test (mLIST). Common external and internal load metrics were gathered across testing. Faster speeds (p TM were found between directions across the mLIST; however, higher relative (per min) PlayerLoadTM (p p < 0.001) during backward locomotion across the mLIST. These data highlight the unique loading patterns experienced during backward locomotion and suggest practitioners should consider the discernment in loading imposed between backward and forward locomotion when measuring athlete demands using common metrics.