Acta Iuris Stetinensis (Jan 2015)

Przesłanki powództwa o uchylenie uchwały zgromadzenia wspólników spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością – glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Szczecinie z dnia 14 sierpnia 2013 r. (I ACa358/13)

  • Katarzyna Malinowska-Woźniak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10


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A resolution of the limited liability company’s shareholders may be appealedagainst by bringing an action before a court for repealing such resolution. Statutoryconditions of such claim are specified in art. 249 § 1 code of commercial companies.This article stipulates that a resolution of shareholders may be appeled against whenit is: in conflict with the provisions of the articles of association or good practice anddetrimental to the company’s interest or aimed at harming a shareholder. In the legaldoctrine and judicial decisions are expressed the discrepant opinions on the characterof statutory conditions formulated in mentioned article. In particular it raise concernswhether conflict a resolution of shareholders with the provisions of the articles of associationmay be independent condition authorising appealing against such resolution.Otherwise such condition must coexist with another one expressed in that article. Thoroughanalysis of that issue presents Szczecin’s Court of Appeal in the sentence passedon the 14th of August 2013 (I ACa 358/13). This paper includes the results of the analysis of the judgement.
