口腔疾病防治 (Aug 2018)
Clinical application of an interaction retention method for multi⁃implant⁃supported fixed bridges in posterior teeth
Objective To research the feasibility and preliminary clinical effect of an implant ⁃ supported fixed bridge based on interactions with the posterior interocclusal space deficiency. Methods Four patients with multiple implant⁃supported fixed⁃bridge restorations for interocclusal space deficiency in posterior teeth were included in this study. The 8 total implant sites had an average interocclusal space size of 3.3 mm. Two abutments with an undercut area were performed, the fixed bridge was placed by rotating it without a common path of insertion, and the abutment screw was then tightened. In the production process, the interaction retention concept and methods were fully communicated to the technician. The abutments and bridges on the implants were placed, and the clinical effect was observed. Re⁃ sults The prosthesis was fixed well and presented appropriate functioning. At the 3⁃month and 18⁃month follow⁃up ex⁃ amination, the prosthesis and abutments were not loose, and the abutments did not release or break. No swelling or ten⁃ derness was observed in the margin of the implants. Conclusion The interaction retention is a good method of resolv⁃ ing the problem of interocclusal space deficiencies in the posterior teeth.