Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (Jan 2017)

Toxic keratitis after use of wrongly labeled non-ophthalmic medicatio

  • Mohammad A. Al-Amry,
  • Nada Al-Abdan,
  • Saleh A. AL-Othaimeen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 1
pp. 141 – 143


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We present a 24-year-old female with trauma to her right eye. The patient was prescribed topical Tobramicin-dexamethasone eye drops but the pharmacy dispensed diclofenac diethyl amine ointment. The patient presented to the emergency room with lid edema, conjunctival injection and a corneal epithelial defect and toxic keratitis. The patient was successfully managed with copious irrigation, bandage contact lens and topical antibiotic therapy.
