Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Sep 2006)

書目探勘讀者使用圖書館之行為 Bibliomining User Behaviors in the Library

  • Jiann-Cherng Shieh,
  • Yung-Shun Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 44, no. 1
pp. 35 – 60


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在數位化的時代裡,資料彙整分析與資料探勘所探索發掘出的資訊,對單位政策制訂與決策建立是具有高度參考價值的。圖書館經營的目的是要能夠更符合讀者的需求,因此主動發掘讀者的需求,主動提供讀者所需要的資訊,是現今圖書館重要的工作項目。資料探勘技術於圖書館之應用—被稱之為書目探勘(bibliomining),確實能有效協助管理者進一步了解讀者對圖書館之需求。書目探勘之資料資源主要以圖書館自動化系統之借閱記錄與館藏資料為軸心,不同於以往的是,本研究嘗試整合讀者個人多方面特性資料(非圖書館自動化系統之讀者資料),並依據研究主題需求,萃取、彙整與轉換資料,建立相關資料倉儲,以「圖書」、「讀者」與「時間」三個面向透過資料彙整交叉分析與資料探勘技術之群集分析、分類分析與關聯規則分析等,探討讀者使用圖書館之行為。此結果可提供圖書館管理者在經營決策於館藏政策、圖書推薦、預算分配、圖書館管理等之重要的且客觀的參考依據。The information discovered through data analysis and data mining can be great helpful for decision makings in organizations. For servicing users’ complacence, libraries should actively explore the user needs and then provide them with required information. It is the critical task for libraries in this age. Bibliomining, data mining applied to library operations, can really assist in gasping patrons’ requirements. Based on circulation data, the previous works have provided many suggestions about library management. In this research, we try to comprehend more data, not only circulation data but also various patrons-related data, to bibliomining their behavior in libraries. The results can be used as crucial and clinical information to aid libraries in collection policy making, material recommendation, budget allocation and other library management related issues.
