Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Jun 2020)
Nafarroako toponimia nagusia aztergai: -oi(t)z, -o(t)z, -(i)(t)z duten herri izenen inguruan
Nafarroako herri-izen multzo bat aztertzen dugu, eta sail batean sartuak direnean azalpena fidagarriagoa dela esaten. Bi talde egin ditugu: -oi(t)z, -o(t)z dutenena eta -i(t)z dutenena. Toponimiak patronimiarekin dauzkan estekak ere ikusten dira. Ondorioetan, ikertu toponimoak deantroponimikoak direla diogu, batzuk zaharragoak direla besteak baino, eta atzizkia berez -(i)(t)z dela. Argienak «aingura toponimo»tzat ibiltzea proposatzen dugu, ilunagoak azaltzeko, eta erromanizazioarekin lotzen ditugu: haien oinarriko antroponimo asko latin mundukoak dira, baina toponimoen bilakaera euskararen barnekoa. Honek leku-izenak euskaldunek garatu zituztela frogatzen du. We analyze some Navarrese village names and contend their elucidation to be more reliable if integrated in a toponymic set. The names are classified in two groups: those in -oi(t)z, -o(t)z vs. those in -i(t)z. Toponymy-patronymy links are also explored. We infer that the analyzed toponyms are deanthroponymic, that some are older than others, and that the suffix is -(i)(t)z. We propose to use the most transparent as «anchor toponyms» so as to clarify the obscure ones, and relate them with Romanization: many of the underlying anthroponyms stem from the Latin world, albeit the toponyms’ evolution adheres to Basque. This observation proves that the place names were developed by Basque speakers.