Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Jan 2011)

The CLP Regulation: origin, scope and evolution

  • Paola Di Prospero Fanghella,
  • Tiziana Catone

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 47, no. 2
pp. 126 – 131


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The CLP Regulation implements in the EU the UN Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling applying the "building block approach", that is taking on board the hazard classes and categories which are close to the existing EU system in order to maintain the level of protection of human health and environment. This Regulation applies to all substances and mixtures placed on the market and besides to classification, packaging and labelling it provides for the notification of the classification and labelling of substances to the Classification & Labelling Inventory established by ECHA. It came into force on 20 January 2009 but a transitional period is foreseen until 1 June 2015 for the full application. At the end of this period the "substance" and "preparation" Directives (respectively 67/548/EEC and 99/45/EC) will be repealed.
