Неонатологія, хірургія та перинатальна медицина (May 2023)


  • Ю. Кучин,
  • Л. Лимар

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2(48)


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Introduction. Distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020-2021, and the Russian war actions which started in 2022, which we refer to as "training under and after attacks," has had a significant impact on medical undergraduate and postgraduate training in Ukraine. Despite the challenges posed by these events, the implementation of distance learning for medical PhD students proved to be beneficial for their academic performance, and regarded it as advantageous. The aim of the research is to explore the peculiarities of distance learning for medical PhD medical students, including its organization, main advantages, disadvantages, and challenges. The research focused on the experience of distance learning of medical PhD students, particularly at Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine, and some others. Material and methods. To determine the effectiveness of distance learning for future medical PhDs, we analyzed the performance in the course "Academic and Medical English for Medical PhD Students" of 247 medical PhD students, aged 21 to 59, who were enrolled in the course at Kyiv Medical University, Bukovinian State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, during 2021-2022, and Bogomolets National Medical University, during 2018-2023, as well as the subjective perception of distance learning by medical PhDs. The scope of the multi-center research was chosen to neutralize factors that may hinder objective research. The participation was voluntary, upon oral consent of the respondents. The results were treated by the Statistica 19.0., and the significance was determined using the Wilcoxon and Student's t-tests. The study was conducted within the doctoral research framework of L. Lymar, “Developing English academic competence of Healthcare PhD students through distance communication”, approved by the Scientific Council of Bogomolets National Medical University on 25.11.2021, protocol № 4. Results. The English language communicative competence characteristics of the medical PhD students were analyzed, and it was statistically determined that after distance learning, the overall level of the competence improved by 0.3-0.5 points on a 5-point scale. Additionally, medical PhD students expressed positive attitude towards distance learning. The advantages of distance learning of the medical PhD students, based on a 4-year experience, include: time savings in commuting, absence of classroom space issues, transparency in the implementation of electronic assessment, and increased opportunities for creativity and collaboration. Under the realities of Ukraine, distance learning limited possibility of COVID19 infection, and since 2022, mitigated military threats, with the opportunity to study in safe locations, such as bomb shelters, in a flexible mode. Disadvantages of distance learning for Ukrainian medical PhD students include dependence on the internet connection and electricity supply, and the psychological stress factor, which is not directly related to distance learning, but rather to "learning under and after fire" in Ukraine. Conclusion. Despite the stressful component of distance learning for medical PhDs, its organization using LMS and online classes has contributed to improved performance indicators and competences, and positive attitude of PhDs to distance learning. The advantages of distance learning include time saving, the absence of classroom space issues, and broader possibilities offered by educational systems. The disadvantages of distance learning are its dependence on internet and power supply, as well as the psychological unpreparedness of some learners and instructors for distance learning.
