The Catholic Church: a history of the present-day institutional crisis
This article is devoted the deepest since the Reformation of the 16th century crisis of the Catholic Church. The author connects its causes with tectonic shifts in the history of our civilization and the whole world in the last 200 years. It is the end of the Constantinian era in the history of Christianity And the cultural (in Western terminology, anthropological) crises and technological revolutions of the late 60s and mid-70s XX century led to a crisis of all institutionally organized Christianity. The crisis of the Catholic Church became part of this global crisis of church institutions. The actual Catholic reasons for it were: the preserve in the 20th and 21st centuries the post-Tridentine clerical model of the Church and the transformation of the Catholic Church by the middle of the 20th century from Western European to the world’s church. An additional source of the crisis was the crisis of two important and male oriented leadership institutions: the traditional family model and the celibate-based hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church. As a result, over the past 50 years, the growth in the number of clergy and monascitism has practically ceased. Thus worsened the very possibility of the Church fulfilling its Mission. A paradoxical situation has developed in the Catholic Church today: the numerical increase of the baptized is accompanied by a mass exodus of believers. Awareness of the crisis is happening very slowly. Public discussion of church problems began only with the election of Pope Francis. The institutional nature of the crisis is illustrated in the article using the example of the “pedophile scandal.” It made it possible to identify the problem of spiritual and physical violence in the Church not only against children, but also against adults (seminarians, nuns, disabled people). The crisis has made it possible to draw attention to the presence of mental problems among young people entering seminaries and those ordained. The scandal virtually destroyed the moral authority of the clergy in Catholic countries. The author believes that the entire church hierarchy has been struck by paralysis: the inability to respond in time and effectively to problems and challenges. All this seriously complicates the way out of the crisis.