HiN - Alexander von Humboldt im Netz. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien (Apr 2008)
„da ich mich lebhaft für sein Schiksal im Neuen Continent interessire“ A. v. Humboldt als Förderer Oscar M. Liebers
article in German, Abstracts in English and GermanOscar M. Lieber (1830-1862) is today remembered as the oldest son of Francis Lieber (1800-1872) who was one of the most influential German American publicists of his time. However, Oscar, too, had a remarkable professional career in the United States. After intensive studies in Berlin, Göttingen and Freiberg (Saxony) he became a successful and productive geologist. The paper reminds of the support which Oscar Lieber received from his father’s friend Alexander von Humboldt.