MatLit (Jul 2013)
'Nenhum Problema Tem Solução': Um Arquivo Digital do Livro do Desassossego
The research project 'No Problem Has Solution: A Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet' aims to produce a digital hypermedia archive of the Book of Disquiet [LdoD], by Bernardo Soares/Fernando Pessoa. The archive will contain digital facsimiles of the documentary materials of LdoD, topographic transcriptions of those materials, textual transcriptions of the four critical editions published between 1982 and 2010 (Coelho 1982 [2nd edition, 1997]; Cunha 1990-91 [2nd edition, 2008]; Zenith 1998 [10th edition, 2012]; Pizarro 2010), and also tools for search and textual analysis. This aggregation and electronic encoding of textual fragments combines genetic and social editing of LdoD, showing it both as a network of potential authorial intentions and as a conjectural construction of its successive editors. This digital archive will also provide a space for virtualizing LdoD that encourages new dynamics of reading, editing, research, and writing. This article presents the project in its theoretical, technical, and methodological aspects, contextualizing them within ongoing research in the field.