Education in the Knowledge Society (Dec 2017)
Intervention of Three Educational Strategies for Higher Education Programming Courses
The main objective of present work is to show the results of interventions carried out in front of a group of three educational strategies that allowed having better percentages of accreditation and qualification, as well as decrease of dropout compared to those obtained in the last 8 years in initial courses of programming at the Technological University of Puebla. The first intervention involved evaluation of computational thinking through skills of generalization, decomposition, abstraction, evaluation and algorithmic design, this evaluation was the first strategy that allowed offering students 10 learning scenarios for Programming Methodology course. In the second intervention, 4 elements were manipulated to offer study options in Programming course, which were content, work modes, rhythms and time and evaluation; it was the second strategy with intention of creating personalized education. In both interventions, use of Moodle platform allowed exposing learning content and having an extra tool for students; the third strategy was consequently the use of b-learning. The main result obtained through voluntary surveys carried out by students, was the generation of a learning experience that contributed to motivation of student in line with academic goals of the aforementioned courses, so it can be concluded that combination of the strategies carried out in the two interventions improved accreditation rates and decreased percentage of dropouts, although there is still work to be done to improve average rating.