Profesìonalìzm Pedagoga: Teoretičnì j Metodičnì Aspekti (Nov 2016)


  • Juliia Katasonova

Journal volume & issue
no. 4
pp. 320 – 330


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Nowadays distance education became one of the main forms of studying and became popular in many countries of the world. The rash development of technologies, increasing of the education significance and global informatization makes distance learning one of the foreground directions of the modern education. Nowadays distance learning became an essential part of Primary school teachers professional preparation. There is an actual question of the creation and the implementation of distance courses to the preparation of the future primary school teachers, that will significantly increase the quality of studying. During the process of analyzing the literature, it was identified, that distance learning – is a pedagogical technology. That`s why, before beginning the designing of a distance course, you should remember the main components of a pedagogical technology. In the work «The components of the pedagogical technology», written by V. Bespalko, the foundation of the pedagogical techoogy is considered to be didactics. Modern scientists (V. Kremen, Ye. Rybalko, S. Sysoieva, A. Khutorskyi) support the position of V.Bespalko and connect didactic principles with the organization of distance learning.The closest to our understanding appeared some theoretical positions of the work by V. Bikov, V. Kuharenko, that is called «The technologies of developing of the distance course:tutorial»,in which they offer five stages of designing of the online course: analysis, designing, development, implementation, valuation. During designing of a course, you also should remember about technical methods of realization of the distance education. V. Vishnivsky mentions, that a choice of the e-learning platform is a very important step. Modern platforms divide into two big categories: commercial and free. Try to determine basic steps of designing and creating of a distance course for the future Primary school teachers and use the result during the creation of the own course.. Leaning on the studied sources and the own experience, three basic stages of the designing of a distance course (analysis,designing, valustion) were separated and then devided into types, forms and methods of working. The distance course called “The method of learning Maths in Priamary school” was created. The environment of this course is a website of distance learning SHEI «Donbass State Pedagogical University».The software, called MOODLE was used for the organization of a distance education.The appearance of new technologies and the renewal of some informational sources of studying motivate teacher to update existing experience with copyright developments during designing of the own course. During the process of working we convinced of the wide opportunities of a distance education, namely of a multifunctionality of the software MOODLE.
