Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica (Mar 2020)
Vybrané otázky využitelnosti soukromoprávních nástrojů k ochraně životního prostředí
The aim of this article is to provide a reader with a brief analysis of the possibilities of using the fundamental private law instruments for the purpose of protection of the environment. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of an individuals who use these instruments to protect their rights and interests. This article focuses on 3 selected private law instruments, namely the protection of the personality, neighbourhood law, and the prevention and compensation of damage. Special attention is paid to issues such as right to live in a favourable environment, which is a new institute in the Czech civil law. Within a scope of neighbourhood law the problem of proportionality of imissions to local circumstances, relation between private and public law regulation governing activities causing imissions and possibilities of protection against noise caused by road traffic are subject of closer study. Changes in legal regulation of general prevention of damage and in liability for damage to forest caused by industrial exhalations are also discussed. In conclusion it can be stated that private law instruments are usable for the protection of the environment, but the protection is only indirect and not complex. For this reason, these tools cannot replace public environmental law, but they can be a valuable addition to it.