Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Aug 2015)

Complex pedagogical control of the development of coordinative abilities of children at the age of 13–14 years old

  • Leonid Serhiyenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 4
pp. 78 – 83


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Purpose: to describe the methodology of complex control of the development of coordinative abilities of children aged 13–14 years. Material and Methods: four hundred schoolchildren at the age of 13–14 years old took part in the study. Methods of the test complex control of the development of coordinative abilities were used. Estimation of the results was calculated according to 5, 9 and 12 ball scale. Results: a test complex for the estimation of the development of coordinative abilities of children at the age of 13–14 years old is proposed. The test complex consists of 5 test exercises. Conclusions: normatives of the estimation of the development of coordinative abilities of school-children according to three scales are determined
