مجلة جامعة الأنبار للعلوم الإنسانية (Mar 2021)
Al-Maqbari’s Family Narrations in the Social Aspects
This research deals with the Al-Muqbari’s family. This family were among the loyal followers who had a great role in the intellectual aspect,. The reason behind that is its members were narrators of the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the historical events. The members of this family lived an era that extended from Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab’s till the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma`mun’s era. That period was full of events and disturbances. This family restricted its role on the narration of the hadith and the history. The family took the narrations from a group of great scholars. They also had a large number of students who narrated their hadiths and historical narration. Some of the narrations which are Al-Muqbari’s family narrated were ones that revealed the social side. They mentioned narrations about the food, its etiquette and its types. They also had some narrations about the drinks, mattresses and rugs, utensils and tools. They even included the clothes, decorations and tools in their narrations which all of them were among the. things that prevailed in the Islamic society bac then