Revista Ciencias de la Salud (Oct 2006)

The High Education Teacher, an Agent of Moral Development

  • Martha Rocío Torres Narváez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. Especial
pp. 103 – 109


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The article shows the classroom like an workplaceto move moral development, from the relationshipbetween students and professors in theuniversity atmosphere. It proposes elements toRecibido: Marzo 16 de 2006.Aceptado: Abril 17 de 2006.* Fisioterapeuta. Magistra en Bioética de la Universidaddel Bosque. Profesor Auxiliar de Carrera AcadémicaFacultad de Rehabilitación y DesarrolloHumano. Universidad del Rosario.El profesor universitario, un agente dedesarrollo moralThe High Education Teacher, an Agent of Moral DevelopmentMartha Rocío Torres Narváez*take to the practice the ethics education atransverse curriculum line. It assumes the ethics,from a plural perspective, founded on theknowledge and the human action. It joins theintegral formation with the conceptions ofeducation, curriculum, pedagogical models andmethodologies of education. It proposes actionsto demonstrate the commitment of the professorwith the integral formation. Finally, concludesthat the professor is agent of moral developmentand that in the classroom is constructed: identity,autonomy and responsibility, from open andplural relation between professors and studentsand between these and the knowledge.
