Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Dec 2021)
The Financing of Early Childhood Education in the municipalities of the Jalapão region – Tocantins: (in)capacities and inequalities in meeting the PNE/PME's goal 1
The article presents the results of a study on the financing of early childhood education in municipalities in the region of Jalapão - Tocantins. The same came from the following question: how is the financing of early childhood education in the municipalities of the region of Jalapão/TO for the universalization and fulfillment of Goal 1 of the PNE/PME? As a general objective, we sought to understand the educational financing policy of the municipalities in the Jalapão region for the universalization of early childhood education in compliance with Target 1 of the PNE/PME. This is a qualitative research, having as a time frame the period from 2015 to 2019 and a spatial focus on the eight municipalities in that region. The results showed the difficulties and dependence of municipalities on collaborative actions by federated entities, especially resources from FUNDEB, showing several incapacities to universalize early childhood education and overcome educational inequalities.