IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Jul 2020)
Measurement‐based wide‐area damping of inter‐area oscillations based on MIMO identification
Interconnected power grid exhibits oscillatory response after a disturbance in the system. One such type of oscillation, the inter‐area oscillation has the oscillation frequency in the range of 0.1–1 Hz. The damping of inter‐area oscillations is difficult with local controllers, but it can be achieved using a wide area damping controller (WADC). For effective control, the input to the WADC should be the most observable signal, and the WADC output should be sent to the most controllable generator. This study presents a measurement‐based novel algorithm for multi‐input‐multi‐output (MIMO) transfer function identification of the power system to estimate such oscillation frequencies. The wide‐area control loop is estimated using the MIMO transfer function, and the WADC design is a combination of the discrete linear quadratic regulator and Kalman filtering for the damping of inter‐area oscillations. Since the MIMO identification is performed using the actual measurements, the proposed method can accurately monitor changes in the power grid, whereas the conventional methods are derived from small‐signal analysis of a linearized model that does not consider changing operating conditions. The overall algorithm is implemented and validated on a RTDS/RSCAD® and MATLAB® real‐time co‐simulation platform using two‐area and IEEE 39‐bus power system models.