Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Jan 2018)

A multipronged approach to prevent Argentinian flag sign in intumescent cataracts

  • Deepika Dhingra,
  • Monika Balyan,
  • Chintan Malhotra,
  • Vikash Rohilla,
  • Vaneet Jakhar,
  • Arun Kumar Jain

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 66, no. 9
pp. 1304 – 1306


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In this communication, we describe a technique for creation of a single stage, adequately sized capsulorrhexis in intumescent cataracts by depressurizing the anterior and posterior intralenticular compartments in a nonleaky anterior chamber (AC) to prevent capsulorrhexis extension and Argentina flag sign. Initially, an incomplete main-port incision is made by the partial entry of a 2.2-mm keratome. A cohesive dispersive ophthalmic viscosurgical device (OVD) is injected into AC. Standard side-port incisions are made, followed by anterior capsular staining. The fluid cortex in anterior intralenticular compartment is aspirated by puncturing anterior capsule in the center using a 30-gauge needle entered through a separate limbal stab incision. The nucleus edge is gently tipped posteriorly with the needle tip to release the fluid from posterior intralenticular compartment also and as much fluid aspirated as possible. OVD is again injected and capsulorrhexis is performed in a single stage using micro-capsulorrhexis forceps.
