Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas (Mar 2016)
Academic yield and characterization psycho-pedagogic in students of dentistry career of the first course Plan D
Introduction: The plan of studies D in the dentistry career is implemented starting from the course 2011 - 2012, where drops promotions were observed. These academic results took to analyze the influence of some aspects of the student's characterization both psychological and pedagogical consideringlike predictors of the academic yield in the educational process. Objective: To verify the prediction capacity of some aspects of the characterization psychological and pedagogical regarding the academic yield, in the first course of the Plan D in the dentistry career, university "Victoria of Girón". Material and Methods: Study explanatory observational traverse in 54 students of the first year of the dentistry career, university "Victoria of Girón". Results: 20,4% of the students approved in ordinary exam only, of which 100,0% had academic indexes of the teaching of the college between 90 and 100 points. The 100,0% of the students withscale between 90 and 100 approved in ordinary, as well as 87,5% of those classified with high intellectual yield and 85,7% of those classified with level motivational I. The 79,6% of those coming from the direct admission, it approved in extraordinary. Conclusions: The promotion in the ordinary exams was markedly low in connection with the final promotion. They behaved as predictors of the student's academic yield, the scale, the intellectual yield and the level of development of the professional motivation; I didn't seize the academic index of the college and the entrance road. Key words: academic promotion, educational results, student’s predictors, academic yield, dentistry career.