EIRP Proceedings (May 2017)
Current Confrontations of Romanian Higher Education
Romanian education has crossed a period framed after the Revolution of 1989, which had to adapt to the new demands of the market economy. The Romanian education transition had also to be reformed in conditions in which it passed from a strict higher education, limited in numerical terms, to one in which admission has often become a mere formality. The emergence of higher private education was also an element specific to the period. In the desire to adapt, update the legal framework, the Romanian education was most affected by the legislative changes. Thus, only the current law on education, in force from 2011, was amended 152 articles from 365, in other words, in a proportion of 41%3. Over these aspects, specific to Romania, it overlapped the requirements of adapting the education to the European requirements, by implementing the Bologna process. These problems specific to the domain overlapped the economic difficulties specific to the transition period to the market economy. The issue of higher education is the subject of the present paper, in which we sought to establish a few specific aspects of the domain and the period, in this sense we have recourse to comparisons with the European Union or with other countries. In the treatment of the topic we used the statistical tool as well as the graphic synthesis method of the evolution of analyzed phenomena. In this regard, we used the R Studio program.