Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (Jan 2016)

C-shaped mandibular primary first molar diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography: A novel case report and literature review of primary molars′ root canal systems

  • Gozde Ozcan,
  • Ahmet Ercan Sekerci,
  • Fatma Kocoglu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 34, no. 4
pp. 397 – 404


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Knowledge of the different anatomical variations in root canal system of dedicious dentition will improve the practice of the pediatric dentists. The teeth with C-shaped root canal configurations are definitely a problem in endodontic treatment. Dentists who are specialists of endodontics must have adequate knowledge about various root canal morphologies of primary tooth that have a tendency for rapid progression of dental caries to achieve a technically satisfactory outcome. This report presents an extraordinary case of unusual tooth morphology involving the mandibular first primary molar with a C-shaped configuration which has not yet been reported.
