African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (Nov 2022)
A Process Map for Creating a 6+ Gastro-cluster Network: Facilitating Sustainable Gastronomic Destination Development in Africa and the World
Gastro-tourism is the pursuit of memorable, authentic food and beverage experiences while traveling globally, regionally, or even locally. This research paper is a synthesis of data and findings of an ongoing study to better define the phenomenon and to identify minimal critical elements that are necessary for sustainable gastrodestination development. Through a mixed-methods grounded-research study qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Three evidence-based models are explained and an easy-to-follow step-by-step process that grassroots stakeholders can use to create or strengthen existing networks/clusters of food and beverage businesses is introduced. This paper is the first to provide steps that can be followed to establish cobranded 6+ Gastro-Clusters/networks: Findings presented in this paper provide theoretical and operational insights into the prevalent shift from commodity-type product/service dominant tourism, to a unique and differentiated competitive advantage of co-created experiential tourism which is impossible for other destinations to replicate. African sub-regions possess unique, diverse, and dynamic potential for establishing authentic 6+ Gastro-Clusters that attract gastro-tourists who can stimulate sustainable gastro-destination creation/expansion, by stakeholders sharing their local/regional food & beverage customs with international and domestic travelers who infuse their discretionary funds into local communities. The African continent is poised for this systematic and more sustainable gastro-tourism focus.