Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 2: Гуманитарные науки (Oct 2015)
Territorial and Economic Problems of the Urals Development in the Late-Stalin Period (Historiographic Issues)
The article analyzes the historiographic issues associated with the study of the Soviet regional policies in the industrial Urals between 1945 and 1953. Noting the achievements of the previous historiography, the author focuses on the influence of confrontation between the Union, sectoral and regional interests in the territorial and economic development of the Urals of late Stalinism that have been long ignored by domestic historians. Working with historiographic and archival materials, the author demonstrates how these contradictions hindered the development of the region and led the regional authorities to the idea of the need to strengthen inter-sectoral cooperation in the industry in the Urals thus preparing a transition to the sovnarhoz system since the late 1940s. The study of these issues is a promising area of Ural research in history.