مجلة مركز بحوث التقنيات الاحيائية (Jan 2008)
The possibility of using Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Callus extracts as an alternative to plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture experiments
Liquorice plant is considered one of the important medicinal and economical plants. It is rich with many compounds, minerals, vitamins, and even plant hormones. This research is aimed to study the possibility of using callus tissue extracts as an alternative to plant growth regulators added to the culture media. A factorial experiment was implemented to find out the appropriate combination between 2, 4-D and BA for callus induction on Liquoricenode explants. It was found that a combination of 2 mg/l 2, 4-D with 2.5 mg/l BA is the best one for callus induction and maintenance using MS medium. Water and alcoholic extracts were prepared from callus tissue at concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10) ml/l then added to culture medium as an alternative to plant growth regulators. The effect of these concentrations on growth and development of tissues and organs for some plants was studied using soya bean, potato and wheat plants for this purpose. Results showed that water extract induced shoot proliferation from potato single nodes. Both types of extracts increased soya bean callus fresh weight significantly. It was found also that water extract was more effective than alcoholic one in increasing vegetative and root parts in germinating wheat seeds.