Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Oct 2021)

An algorithm for packing postal items into roll pallets: A case study on a local branch of Thailand Post

  • Pakwan Riyapan,
  • Sofar Tehroh,
  • Fareeda Maeroh,
  • Arthit Intarasi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 43, no. 5
pp. 1473 – 1481


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Three dimensional packing is a major problem occurring in the transportation sector. It is also a challenging problem to overcome the limitations of existing businesses. This research studies the problem for packing items of Thailand Post (local branches) which provide delivery service to customers and arrange to pack items by staff for delivery to the distribution center. Moreover, the staff want to arrange and pack items into limited roll pallets which must be delivered within the specified period. In this paper, we analyze the problem under the limitations of different types of items and the number of roll pallets and developed an algorithm for sorting and packing items to minimize the amount of items left at the branch when limited roll pallets are available. Moreover, this algorithm can reduce the number of items left at the branch and serve as a guideline for staff.
