Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Jun 2010)
Efeitos do modo ventilatório sobre variáveis hemogasométricas em equinos submetidos à mudança de decúbito durante a anestesia geral inalatória com halotano Effects of the ventilatory regimen on arterial blood gas variables in horses that underwent a change in body position during halothane anesthesia
Compararam-se os efeitos da ventilação espontânea (V E) e controlada (V C) em equinos submetidos à mudança de decúbito durante anestesia. Dezesseis animais foram equitativamente divididos em dois grupos: V E e V C. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram iniciados com os animais em decúbito lateral esquerdo (DLE) e, após 75 minutos, os animais foram reposicionados em decúbito lateral direito (DLD). Análises hemogasométricas do sangue arterial foram realizadas após 30 e 75 minutos com os animais posicionados em cada decúbito (M1 e M2 no DLE e M3 e M4 no DLD, respectivamente). Durante a V E, observaram-se hipercapnia (PaCO2 >45mmHg), acidose respiratória (pH The effects of spontaneous (SV) and controlled ventilation (CV) were compared in horses undergoing changes in body position during anesthesia. Sixteen animals were equally distributed in two groups: SV and CV. All surgical procedures were commenced on left lateral recumbency (LLR) and 75 minutes later the animals were repositioned on right lateral recumbency (RLR). Arterial blood gas analyses were performed at 30 and 75 minutes after each recumbency (M1 and M2 for LLR and M3 and M4 for RLR). Hypercapnia (PaCO2 >45mmHg), respiratory acidosis (pH <7.35), and significant decrease in PaO2 after 75min of change in body position (M4: 205.8±124.7mmHg) in comparison to PaO2 values before the change of position (M1: 271.8±84.8mmHg) were observed during SV. When compared to the SV group, CV resulted in significantly higher PaO2 levels (52 to 96% increase). It was concluded that the change in the body position in spontaneously ventilating halothane-anesthetized horses causes impairment in arterial oxygenation. The use of CV since the beginning of anesthesia prevents the respiratory acidosis and maintains arterial oxygen levels that are closer to values expected during the use of 100% O2.