European Journal of Remote Sensing (Dec 2022)
Self-attention and generative adversarial networks for algae monitoring
Water is important for the natural environment and human health. Monitoring algae concentrations yield information on the water quality. Compared with in situ measurements of water quality parameters, which are often complex and expensive, remote sensing techniques, using hyperspectral data analysis, are fast and cost-effective. The objectives of this study are (1) to estimate the algae concentrations from hyperspectral data using deep learning techniques, (2) to investigate the applicability of attention mechanisms in the analysis of hyperspectral data, and (3) to augment the training data using generative adversarial networks (GANs). The results show that the accuracy of deep learning techniques is 7.6% higher than that of simpler artificial neural networks. Compared to noise injection and principal component analysis-based data augmentation, the use of a GAN-based data augmentation method significantly improves the accuracy of algae concentration estimates (>5%). In addition, models with added attention mechanisms yield an on average 3.13% higher accuracy than those without attention techniques. This result demonstrates the improvement of spectral features of artificial hyperspectral data based on the self-attention approach, revealing the potential of attention techniques in hyperspectral remote sensing.