Environment Conservation Journal (Jun 2006)
Water Quality Status Of River Ganges In Respect Of Physico Chemical And Microbial Characteristics At Anupshahar, District-Bulandhshar (India)
A study was carried out to assess the water quality status of river Ganga with respect to physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics at Anupshahar town (Tehsil of distt. Bulandshahar). To collect the samples. Before sampling point-B, several sewage drains discharge their effluent into river Ganga and bathing ghat activities are also held after sampling point- A. Parameters studied ranged from pH 7.0-8.97, Total Solids 112-902 mg/1,Total Dissolved Solids 90-262gm/1,Fixed Dissolved Solids 30-76mg/1,Conductivity 0.16-0781 m mhos/cm, Akalinity 59-110mg/1, Hardness 61-119mg/1,DO 9.8-12.6mg/1,BOD 1.2-5.5mg/1,COD12-35mg/1 and Total Coliform 700-24000 MPN /100ml. But out of these parameters the average values of BOD(3.483mg/1,)and total coliform bacteria (5408 MPN/100ML) at sampling point-B and BOD (2.25 mg/1,) and total coliform bacteria (3445 MPN/100 ml) at sampling point-A were obtained beyond the tolerance limits of drinking purpose. However, average values of these parameters were found higher at sampling point-B than sampling point-A which may be due to contaminations of sewage water of the town as well as bathing activities held before sampling point-B. Nature of water quality of river Ganga with respect to pH is alkaline. Present paper indicates that water quality of river Ganga is not suitable for drinking purpose with respect to BOD and bacteria within the range of study area.