Astra Salvensis (Jul 2019)
The conversion of Cornelius the centurion and the receipt of pagans in Christianity
The conversion of the Roman centurion Cornelius is one of the first steps undertaken by the early Church in the process of gentile conversion. St. Peter is guided directly by God in this particular mission, because God wants to reveal His intention to the early Church regarding the Gentiles. St. Apostle Luke shows us that God has decided form eternity that the Gentiles should enjoy the blessings promised to Abraham alongside Israel. The communion between Jews and gentiles was particularly difficult at that time because of Mosaic Law, but God helped the early Church to surpass this obstacle. St. Peter only enters the house of Cornelius after he receives and understands God’s vision and later baptizes Cornelius after the Holy Spirit descends upon him and those in his house. By the baptism of the Roman centurion Cornelius and his family, a very important principle was gained: the acceptance of Gentiles in the Church directly through Christian baptism, without mosaic circumcision.