Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Nov 2016)


  • Slamet Wijono,
  • Djemari Mardapi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 2
pp. 234 – 243


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi komponen-komponen penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional Kompetensi Keahlian (UNKK) Teknik Pemesinan SMK, (2) mengembangkan instrumen penyelenggaraan UNKK Teknik Pemesinan SMK, (3) menyusun panduan evaluasi penyelenggaraan UNKK Teknik Pemesinan SMK, dan (4) mengembangkan model evaluasi UNKK Teknik Pemesinan SMK. Teknik penyimpulan pendapat pakar dihitung dengan rumus Aiken; validitas konstruk instrumen dianalisis menggunakan confirmatory faktor analysis, goodness of-fit test ditentukan dengan kriteria p ˃ 0,05; reliabilitas diestimasi menggunakan Cronbach Alpha. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Komponen penyelenggaraan UNKK Teknik Pemesinan SMK mencakup: (a) kolaborasi sekolah dengan asosiasi profesi dan DU/DI, (b) kinerja asesor, (c) sarana dan prasarana, (d) pengetahuan siswa terhadap kegiatan UNKK SMK, (e) informasi capaian kompetensi siswa, dan (f) legalitas dan pengakuan asosiasi profesi dan DU/DI; (2) instrumen evaluasi dalam kategori baik dan uji keterbacaan instrumen dalam kategori baik atau layak digunakan, (3) Panduan penerapan instrumen evaluasi berdasarkan penilaian para pimpinan sekolah dan guru termasuk kategori layak untuk digunakan, dan (4) Uji kecocokan model evaluasi UNKK Teknik Pemesinan SMK memenuhi syarat fit model.Kata kunci: model, evaluasi, ujian nasional kompetensi keahlian teknik pemesinan SMK AN EVALUATION MODEL OF THE NATIONAL EXAMINATION OF EXPERTISE COMPETENCIES AT VHS Abstratc This study aims to: (1) identify the components of the implementation of the National Examination of Expertise Competencies (NEEC) at the vocational high school (VHS), (2) develop reliable and accurate instruments to evaluate the implementation of the NEEC at VHS, (3) develop guidelines for an evaluation of the NEEC at VHS, and (4) develop model for an evaluation of the NEEC at VHS. The expert judgment conclusions were calculated by the Aiken formula, the instrument construct validity was analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis by the goodness-of- fit test at level of significance p ˃ 0,05, the reliability was estimated by Cronbach Alpha. The conclusions of the study are as follows. (1) The components of the implementation of the NEEC at VHS include: (a) the collaboration between schools and profession associations and business sectors/industrial sectors (BS/IS), (b) assessors’ performances, (c) infrastructure facilities, (d) students’ understanding of the NEEC at VHS, (e) information about the attainment of students’ competencies, and (f) the legality and recognition from profession associations and BS/IS; (2) The developed evaluation instrument sets are good and the instrument readability test are good and appropriate to use; (3) The guideline for the application of the evaluation instruments, based on the assessment by principals and teachers, are appropriate to use; (4) The model for an evaluation of the NEEC at VHS matches fit model. Keywords: model, evaluation, national examination of expertise competencie
