JETEN (Dec 2014)

Truthfulness in science teachers’ corporeal performances

  • Peer S. Daugbjerg

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2014
pp. 149 – 158


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Relations between science teachers’ corporeal performances and their statements re- garding these actions are discussed. Dispositions of truthfulness are applied to grasp the personal nuances in these relations. Three teachers’ corporeal performances and truth- fulness are analysed. Diana shows effort, sincerity and trustworthiness in dealing with classroom management. Jane shows effort, fidelity and honesty in developing outdoor teaching. Simon shows transparency, objectivity and sincerity in his support of col- leagues. By addressing the relations in the vocabulary of truthfulness the teachers in this study appear as professionals with personal dedication towards improvement of specific activities in a science teacher’s work and teaching.
