The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science (Nov 2008)
The Modern State of Works in Field of Electron-Beam Technology of Melting and Evaporation of Metals and Non-Metals in a Vacuum
In developing of new processes for growing metal (composite) films, the main attention is given to controlling the metal vapour flows: through energy state of the condensing particles, their molecular composition, intensity, spatial distribution of the flow, etc. It is known that the widely accepted open-type evaporators, including quasi-closed ones, are characterized by instability of the directivity diagram of the vapour flow in time, even at constant temperature. Radiation load on the film growth surface from these sources is sometimes comparable to the energy of vapour flow condensation. Therefore, when they are used, it is quite difficult to produce reproducible film structures with controllable parameters. Particular difficulties arise at high evaporation rates, when micro-drops are usually present in the vapour flow.