Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2024)

Szkoła Katechistów Archidiecezji Poznańskiej jako miejsce katechumenatu i mistagogii dorosłych

  • Jacek Zjawin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31


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The article attempts to analyze the model of formation realized in the School of Catechists of Archdiocese of Poznan (Poznań), from the standpoint of catechumenal dimension. After the outline features of baptismal catechumenate, which according to post council catechetical documents should be the pattern of each catechesis, the author analyzes particular elements of formation in the School of Catechists. The analysis leads to the conclusion, that in School of Catechists some catechumenal elements are realized, but it is not a strict catechumenal and mistagogic model.
