Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture (Nov 2020)
Relations Matter
Preview: A relation is what connects two separated beings or what a being joins with itself; what is, in other words, in-between two beings or inside two parts of one being. Relations may be conceived as external or internal to those beings, as an essential part, or as separate beings of another nature. One usually cannot easily perceive or experience relations themselves (although there are exceptions). But the case is that relations must be something rather than nothing. They must be something since we use relations and go around them all the time, in natural, casual, day-to-day life, as well as in philosophical, careful, and reflexive attitude. And, if they are something, one can think them. Some may say, that philosophers should think about what can only be thought. Who else could do this? So, here it is, a new Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture issue devoted to relations.