Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Jun 2011)
論資訊科技對著作人格權理論的影響 The Influence of Information Technologies on the Moral Rights Doctrine
著作人格權(moral rights)是指作者基於作品創作而產生的人格利益,與著作財產權同屬著作權法的兩個重要組成部分。近年來隨著功能愈簡便的編輯軟體讓一般人可隨意修改他人作品,輕者斷章取義,重者指鹿為馬,再加上網路複製、傳輸快速的特性,加劇了鼓勵再創作與維持作品完整性之間的矛盾,讓人開始正視資訊科技對著作人格權的影響。另一方面,以文本為主之後現代現象正逐漸成為主流的網路文化,徹底翻轉以作者為中心之傳統詮釋方法,主張作品之價值係來自於讀者之解讀,而非作者之貢獻時,執著於著作人格權之保護似乎又有悖於強調開放、分享、互動、多元、去中心化之網路世界發展,著作人格權理論正面對資訊科技所帶來之「典範移轉」衝擊。 The orthodoxy of moral rights is that authors of copyrightable works have inalienable rights in their works that protect their moral and personal interest. Recently, the problem of moral rights causes new concern because of information technologies. As the function of editor software gets stronger, it is much easier for people to make the modification, distortion or mutilation of copyrighted works which would be prejudicial to authors’ honor or reputation. On the other hand, Postmodernism is a tendency in the network culture characterized by the rejection of the author’s contribution to a work. It emphasizes that essential meaning of a work depends on the impressions of the reader, rather than the “passions” or “tastes” of the writer. Based on this, “Remix” Culture which encourages people to create new works based on existed copyrighted works has become popular on the Internet. The protection of moral rights seems working against the development of network communities whose ethics is the information sharing and decentralization. The development of moral rights theory faces the challenge of “paradigm shift” resulted from the information technology which separates the personal connection between the author and the work, and encourages “from work to text”. It has bad impact on the authorship idea of the moral rights doctrine.