PLoS ONE (Jan 2024)

Test-retest reliability of behavioral and computational measures of advice taking under volatility.

  • Povilas Karvelis,
  • Daniel J Hauke,
  • Michelle Wobmann,
  • Christina Andreou,
  • Amatya Mackintosh,
  • Renate de Bock,
  • Stefan Borgwardt,
  • Andreea O Diaconescu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 11
p. e0312255


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The development of computational models for studying mental disorders is on the rise. However, their psychometric properties remain understudied, posing a risk of undermining their use in empirical research and clinical translation. Here we investigated test-retest reliability (with a 2-week interval) of a computational assay probing advice-taking under volatility with a Hierarchical Gaussian Filter (HGF) model. In a sample of 39 healthy participants, we found the computational measures to have largely poor reliability (intra-class correlation coefficient or ICC < 0.5), on par with the behavioral measures of task performance. Further analysis revealed that reliability was substantially impacted by intrinsic measurement noise (indicated by parameter recovery analysis) and to a smaller extent by practice effects. However, a large portion of within-subject variance remained unexplained and may be attributable to state-like fluctuations. Despite the poor test-retest reliability, we found the assay to have face validity at the group level. Overall, our work highlights that the different sources of variance affecting test-retest reliability need to be studied in greater detail. A better understanding of these sources would facilitate the design of more psychometrically sound assays, which would improve the quality of future research and increase the probability of clinical translation.