IATSS Research (Jul 2022)
An analysis of motorcyclists' injury severities in work-zone crashes with unobserved heterogeneity
Work-zone related crashes in Florida are increasing steadily in recent years. With such growing concern, work-zone is recognized in Florida Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The severity and complexity of motorcycle crashes in work-zones is critically important and worth investigating. However, the resulting effect of work-zone on motorcyclists' injuries in work-zone crashes is not fully understood. The purpose of study is to identify the contributing factors of motorcyclists' injury severity sustained in the work-zone crashes in Florida. Recognizing the relatively higher risk of motorcyclists in work-zones with respective to non-work-zones, this study further uncovers the contributing factors for single- and multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes in Florida work-zones. This study investigated motorcyclists' injury severity applying random parameter multinomial logit with possible heterogeneity in means and variances of the random parameters for single-motorcycle and multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes. This study utilizes the Crash Analysis Reporting (CAR) system in Florida over a period of five years from 2012 to 2016 (inclusive). The model result indicates a complex relationship between dark condition, old-aged motorcyclist (50–65), requirement and absence of endorsement, partial ejection, straight roadway segment, shoulder width (up to 1.22 m (4 ft), and 2.74–3.66 m (9–12 ft), urban interstate, activity area, and lane closure and work on shoulder-median work-zone types. The effect of work-zone on single-motorcycle crashes tends to have much more in resulting injury severities relative to multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes. It is more important to investigate the injury severity by single- and multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcycles in work-zones. These risk factors identified in the study are expected to provide more insights for the countermeasures specific to engineering (roadway design) and policy (motorcycle training), which can be considered to improve motorcycle safety in Florida.